Tuesday, June 23, 2009

There are More Fish in the Sea...Even in Media!

Ever dream of becoming rich and famous!? Yea…Me too and it probably didn’t happen for you because you’re not young enough to try now, but don’t make me feel bad because I still have some time. From today’s guest speaker, I realized that the occupation that I’m attending Rutgers University for is not going to make me rich so hooray for college educations!! No, really though. My major in Journalism may not allow me to see a lot of green, but isn’t being happy in life the primary goal? Correct. So…that leaves me with three questions for you.

1. What’s new? Besides the war in Iraq, Obama and his democratic decisions, and the smelly worker in the cubicle next to you, I’m actually going to feed you celebrity gossip for this question just because it amused me this morning as I almost had a heart attack from my Professor’s e-mail that said I was missing work. I’m horribly crazed by actors and actresses and study their every move to be one. Therefore, when I saw the AOL headline Megan Fox ‘Horrified’ After Snubbing Fan, I had a small heart palpitation of excitement. As usual, the celebrity was framed as being rude when she supposedly ignored a fan. With the press agents altering the rich and famous’ images, it was easy to make the Transformers actress look rude, BUT watch this video that gave the other side of the story and made this young fan’s day turn into the best of his life!
*go to: popeater.com and search "Megan Fox Snubs Fan"

2. Who cares? I bet you heard about the terrible metro crash in Washington, D.C. Sadly, two trains collided that were going in the same direction on the same track. Details as to the reasons behind the crash are still being investigated. Even with answers, the families of the loved, lost ones are still going to mourn for the rest of their own lives and wonder if one minor change would have saved their friend or family member. Unfortunately, culture prefers to make a change and bring our country together when it is too late. Instead of putting money to rescue accidents maybe corporations should put money out to prevent them. Some of you may be thinking, Well, I didn’t know anyone in that crash., and I’m going to tell you that I bet you were in some way, shape, or form affected by the terrorist attack of September 11th. You should care because both tragedies are related and connected to human error. Woo! Hoo! Go evolution of the human!

3. If we tell the world, what will be different? Did you ever wonder how the universe would be different if you didn’t exist? Come on. Admit it because I know you did! Have you, at least, watched the movie It’s a Wonderful Life? It was directed by Frank Capra, in 1946, starring Jimmy Stewart who plays a frustrated business man being shown life, with the help of an angel, of what life would be like if he didn’t exist. It just proves that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, that second chances are out there, and that every person/decision is important.

With help from Professor Pike and Ken Branson, the last questions I have to ask you are why you are here and what are you going to do after you read this blog? Think about your last year on earth. Are you going to have a good life story to look back on, think about, and be able to speak about to the younger generation of learners? Have you framed a fake image of yourself to the point that YOU don’t even know who you are? It’s okay because there is still time to change. There are plenty of more opportunities to change, more stories to bite on, and hundreds of more fish in the sea. Just keep swimming and you’ll find what you’re searching for.

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