Tuesday, June 9, 2009

3-D Glasses or Plain Sight?

Iraq or America? I’m making you choose. Which society do you side with? The real question is which world you side with because they are both totally different, but yet so much the same. I had originally planned to blog about the war between cable versus broadcast, cable versus utility, how the Telecommunications Act changed the future, and how the media world fights for power while we are given binkies to make us stop complaining about how today’s world is so messy, but I may never get the chance to blog about the war on Iraq so I HAVE to take advantage of it. I’ve heard everyone say that there are two sides to every story, but I could not have imagined the stories that this war on terror was able to create.

So, I’m in my media class awaiting the start of yet another media related documentary. I can’t lie. I was definitely counting down the minutes because I didn’t feel good, but as soon as today’s documentary started, it was like my headache no longer mattered. Soldiers, children, women, buildings, landmarks, and worlds were slaughtered, degraded, and dishonored. Both the American and Iraqi societies were flipped upside down and shaken to leave only the survivors and storytellers to hold on with gripping, white knuckles. I purposely didn’t say “American soldiers” or “Iraqi soldiers” because in my world, both sides are people and all that matters is the atmosphere in which they dwell in. Right now, that atmosphere is pure chaos and only the inhumane can pick one side to mark as right or wrong.
Before tonight, I could talk wrongly of every foreigner to walk the universe after the attack on September 11th. I had such a narcissistic attitude toward others who were not American born and I feel embarrassed, yet relieved, even admitting to that over a blog entry. Then, I watched the “Control Room” documentary and my life and perspective of everyday living took a total one hundred and eighty degree turn. Both Americans and Iraqis do NOT want war or bloodshed or death or poverty or hurt or sadness. Everyone in this world desires one thing which is happiness, but true and sincere happiness because anyone can fake a smile.

Media correspondents, managers, journalists, and citizens just want the best for their friends and family. There should be no sides because even an Iraqi Al Jazeera employee said that if FOX asked him to work for him he would because he wants the best life for his family and he truly believes that he can provide that for them in America. I agree that America is a great place to live, but what I don’t understand is why other countries don’t try to emulate us more often. I’m not saying that America is perfect, but we do have a safe and fair world compared to most places. If you’re asking for anything else, you’re just greedy and looking for a heaven on earth, but go find your soul mate for that. Anyways…

Where do you side? Or are you a middle man, or in my case a woman, like me. It’s crazy how certain broadcast stations can make you hold certain opinions and makes me wonder what I, ME, MYSELF thinks about my country’s democratic state. What do I think compared to what the media portrays Americans to think? Certain media images can make any side look bad or good, but you have to look where the fuzz doesn’t let you see clearly. You have to choose your own side-not the two that the media attempts to portray in black and white because NOTHING is solid. You have to read between the lines. Do you have 3-D glasses on while watching the news, one mind-set, or just a blur that you’re trying to make clear? Let me know. I’d love to hear.

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