Friday, June 12, 2009

Bee Stings Only Hurt if it's YOU They Sting

Got complaints? Yea. So does everyone else who has a butt crack, but have you ever sided with someone so that you didn’t have to listen to them complain anymore and then the same bad luck visited you, and you whined even worse about it? It seems today’s citizens and consumers only complain when karma “hits home”. You could hear about radio personalities making fun of people or a suicide on Oprah and think that will NEVER happen to me and if it did then I wouldn’t act the way that guy is... Then, the tables turn and you’re the one giving others reason to feel sorry for you about.

If you’re a parent or adult, you have probably heard of, listened to, or called in, about the radio station 101.5. This Garden State bundle of joy attracts the drive time audience due to its weather, traffic, and blatant questions of the day that require a response from listeners to keep the fire burning. 101.5 is one in eleven radio stations running under the ownership of Millennium Radio New Jersey. Within a twenty four hour period, I heard opinions on topics like different types of sex, local teachers on trial due to bad luck, the disadvantages of laws for the protection of animals, debates about which Jackson family member is better, and the effects of sexual advertising. Although these topics make the commute to work and home less zombie-like, and more entertaining than the usual soft rock, their liberal and critical demographics push the First Amendment button a little too far.

Take, for instance, the Craig Carton versus Governor Richard Codey scandal. Afternoon 101.5 co-host, Carton, made a comment about women with postpartum depression being crazy. He was indirectly referring to Mary Jo Codey’s open discussions of her struggles with postpartum depression. The Governor, being the good husband that he is, interrupted Carton’s weekly taping with an in person visit from the Governor himself “flanked by state troopers”. The two had a screaming match and Codey thought that the ordeal should be settled with a fight, but nothing happened after the confrontation. This just proves that when people are DIRECTLY affected by a current problem, they act and if it’s an unrelated issue to their lives, they just sit back and “feel” for the person actually going through it.

Another example is a little controversial. The Internet is supposed to give new meaning to our free speech rights and give new meanings to our democracy, but it seems to only open the door for more trouble. As I was watching Oprah today, at five o’clock, I realized how much people take their luck with a grain of salt. The topic for Oprah today was Internet being the gateway to more sex offenders and predators and what to do to turn up the security in YOUR home. I understand how when our world isn’t careful, one small slip could lead to the end, but people only are greatly affected by events that give their lives a serious wake-up call. So does this mean everyone must disconnect their modems or delete their Facebook or MySpace because today’s teenagers are easily seduced by men or women because the MEDIA portrays sex, maturity, and danger as being good? Like I have said before, everything in the world ends up coming full circle, but society doesn’t live and learn unless it DIRECTLY hurts THEM!

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