Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Looks ARE Better Than Smarts

Jodi Picoult, Charlaine Harris, or Elizabeth Gilbert? Love, thrillers, or life advice? Everyone is different, but the market has a knack for attacking every person by sparking their interest. For example, in 2005, Barnes and Noble made the decision to trade some of their book shelves for tables. It wasn’t to make more space for their coffee shops or save money by bringing in tables from home. The trusted book store realized that the cover art of books is more important than the titles themselves. Those dumb blondes from high school actually were hotter than the brilliant brunette because of their prettiness. Who knew?

Take, for instance, the hottest novels and movies in the market-the TWILIGHT saga!!! The novels were popular with their signature images of the forbidden fruit (the apple) held in a person’s palms, a beautiful flower (which I would promise that has a hidden face in it, but that’s beside the point of this blog), a frayed, red ribbon, and a white, chess piece on the books’ black covers… BUT as soon as the first book’s story was a hit movie in theaters, Robert Pattinson’s and Kristen Stewart’s (the actors that play Edward and Bella) were all over the first book’s cover like white on rice. Twilight fans ate that market trick up so fast that they blew up like the blue girl from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’s blueberry girl, Violet.

It’s sad how looks makes the market and media tick instead of smarts. The blue is being washed away from our planet and is turning green from all of the greed culture is expressing. Grasping your attention is easier when the product is attractive. It’s like putting a naked woman in a man’s bedroom as soon as they wakeup. Stereotyped, beautiful women was a trend used in the 1960’s with showing women, or even parts of women, like objects of food for men to drool over. Sadly, sales increased by the uses of degrading women, but the market technique worked. Even if you don’t think you’re that shallow, you’re going to pick a book, or someone/something, by its looks. So that saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” is totally bologna.

"I've Got No Strings To Hold Me Down"-Oh, WAIT! Yes.. you do!

Every day, movies are becoming more popular and more technologically advanced. Oligopolies are in need of a diet with all of the fat that stacks their wallets like skyscrapers. Beginning with the charge for tickets, reaching the popcorn booth, buying extra butter, then a soda, and ending by grabbing those sweet Sourpatch Kids at the mobile booth inside the theatre where you’re viewing the newest film, companies are singing chorus lines of, “Money. Money. Money. Moneyy. Mooonnneeeyyyy!!!!”

Filmmakers are the gold medal champions of the game of attracting you to cinemas. It’s almost as if you’re wearing a string, attached to your butt, pulling a twenty dollar bill that is begging for companies to snatch it. You may think that the hot protagonist is what brings you to stare at the silver screen. In fact, the candy feeding the baby is the music combined with the storyline.

The movie industry has always taken risks and has never been afraid to poke fun of reality and its faults. Part of the reason for culture’s changes is because of movies’ and music’s impact. Movies are meant to attack audiences’ aspirations and emotions. Society has always had a desire to have something better than what they already have and to achieve excellence. People’s greedy sides are powerful, but weak. Filmmakers use this soft spot to play on viewers’ fears and make them feel as though any ordinary person can satisfy their desires like the protagonists do by the end of the story. Music helps give the movie industry their desired reaction from viewers so both the creators and viewers get what they want and need. Everyone loves a good story and a happy ending.

Overall, whether you like it or not, EVERYONE is controlled by the market. Even though you think you’re smarter than the cliché gimmick, a product will steal your money in some other way. Anyone who enjoys movies, which is filmmakers too because I’m sure they have their own favorite movies, is attached to the strings of aspiration. Pinocchio was fooled by the idea of a life full of freedom and so are you, but Pinocchio was able to make it back to Papa without strings while you’re walking around with strings that you’ll never know are there.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pin the Tail on the Donkey...But Cheat

Winning is so sweet. For some, winning fairly or unfairly doesn’t matter. In order to get more consumers, the media plays dirty. By doubling up companies, in other words-taking over smaller companies and forming oligopolies, the media can develop more options and please a diverse audience rather than taking risks and losing money. God forbid today’s society plays fair and loses a dollar. Geez.

Thankfully for magazines and newspapers, the Internet and TV are reliable, pacify the public until tomorrow’s breaking news article, and fast. After hearing about Michael Jackson’s death on the radio, from many different stations, many listeners were skeptic. Originally, TMZ (Thirty Mile Zone) released the news of the King of Pop’s death. Fans waited for a more reliable source before mourning his death, but after CNN released the sad news, the world knew that it had to be true. Maybe cultures should wake up and realize that the “Man in the Mirror” is really money starring back at them. I bet Michael Jackson would have a sound effect and crotch grabber for that one.

Being a dancer, I definitely would have loved to audition to become a backup dancer for Michael Jackson, but maybe another Jackson family member is in my cards. After studying the DanceSpirit magazine for media class, I learned that Michael Jackson was featured in many editions. The Macfadden Performing Arts Media, LLC owned magazine featured tips for learning the King of Pop’s infamous moonwalk, advertised for Jackson’s choreographer’s face in workshops, and his well-rounded abilities. Originating from controlled circulations to joining forces to increase paid circulations, the monthly dance bible offers opportunity for every type of person no matter what color, ethnicity, or religion they represent. Anyone that has any interest in dance or keeping in shape can read this magazine. A performing icon will be remembered always. The media will drill that pin into the ass, even if it means they have to open a tightly pinched eye to get it perfect.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

There are More Fish in the Sea...Even in Media!

Ever dream of becoming rich and famous!? Yea…Me too and it probably didn’t happen for you because you’re not young enough to try now, but don’t make me feel bad because I still have some time. From today’s guest speaker, I realized that the occupation that I’m attending Rutgers University for is not going to make me rich so hooray for college educations!! No, really though. My major in Journalism may not allow me to see a lot of green, but isn’t being happy in life the primary goal? Correct. So…that leaves me with three questions for you.

1. What’s new? Besides the war in Iraq, Obama and his democratic decisions, and the smelly worker in the cubicle next to you, I’m actually going to feed you celebrity gossip for this question just because it amused me this morning as I almost had a heart attack from my Professor’s e-mail that said I was missing work. I’m horribly crazed by actors and actresses and study their every move to be one. Therefore, when I saw the AOL headline Megan Fox ‘Horrified’ After Snubbing Fan, I had a small heart palpitation of excitement. As usual, the celebrity was framed as being rude when she supposedly ignored a fan. With the press agents altering the rich and famous’ images, it was easy to make the Transformers actress look rude, BUT watch this video that gave the other side of the story and made this young fan’s day turn into the best of his life!
*go to: popeater.com and search "Megan Fox Snubs Fan"

2. Who cares? I bet you heard about the terrible metro crash in Washington, D.C. Sadly, two trains collided that were going in the same direction on the same track. Details as to the reasons behind the crash are still being investigated. Even with answers, the families of the loved, lost ones are still going to mourn for the rest of their own lives and wonder if one minor change would have saved their friend or family member. Unfortunately, culture prefers to make a change and bring our country together when it is too late. Instead of putting money to rescue accidents maybe corporations should put money out to prevent them. Some of you may be thinking, Well, I didn’t know anyone in that crash., and I’m going to tell you that I bet you were in some way, shape, or form affected by the terrorist attack of September 11th. You should care because both tragedies are related and connected to human error. Woo! Hoo! Go evolution of the human!

3. If we tell the world, what will be different? Did you ever wonder how the universe would be different if you didn’t exist? Come on. Admit it because I know you did! Have you, at least, watched the movie It’s a Wonderful Life? It was directed by Frank Capra, in 1946, starring Jimmy Stewart who plays a frustrated business man being shown life, with the help of an angel, of what life would be like if he didn’t exist. It just proves that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side, that second chances are out there, and that every person/decision is important.

With help from Professor Pike and Ken Branson, the last questions I have to ask you are why you are here and what are you going to do after you read this blog? Think about your last year on earth. Are you going to have a good life story to look back on, think about, and be able to speak about to the younger generation of learners? Have you framed a fake image of yourself to the point that YOU don’t even know who you are? It’s okay because there is still time to change. There are plenty of more opportunities to change, more stories to bite on, and hundreds of more fish in the sea. Just keep swimming and you’ll find what you’re searching for.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cool Kids on the Block...Nerds versus Jocks

Ever been school shopping for the second grade? You have to get what you know is going to be cool and will make you the coolest kid in your town. Then, just as you think you have got it all, your classmate throws you a curveball and has a new item that totally blew the socks off of what you thought was the best. This might be one of the worst feelings as a kid because then you have to make up lies to tell your parents like, “Mom! Someone stole my Spice Girl lunchbox!”--when really it’s in the cafeteria garbage can-- or, “Grandma! Can I have my birthday money early because I need a new winter coat?” We have all been there and wished that someone could just throw us the ropes of what’s hot and what’s not. Now of days, those people exist and they’re called market researchers and scam artists.

Today’s “anything goes” environment leaves the floor open to anyone who wants to make a statement. From head to toe tattoo art, piercing every inch of skin, and to thongs as pants, anyone can do anything they desire. TV shows like Jackass are even promoting profanity, nudity, and reckless activities. Market researchers discovered that inappropriate behavior is in and sold taboo items, movies, and objects to consumers. Trends today are like a huge circle. Markets create focus groups and account reviews to find what’s hot, sells the hot, hot becomes even hotter as consumers devour it, and then the shoppers spit out the bones back to the market in hopes they will come up with new ideas to make a product even better.

Media buyers are hitting even closer to home. The Rutgers University Dance Team doesn’t get recognized like the teams they support do, but the same marketing techniques go into their program just as any other would. For example, TRL, DanceFlick, America’s Best Dance Crew, and Victoria’s Secret use the RUDT as a door to open many advertising possibilities for the University and their own products. Being in the Tristate area aids the college team to create windows of possibilities to get their face and name across in the major cities like New York City, Atlantic City, and Philadelphia. The RUDT’s 2008-2009 slogan, “Own It”, attracted marketers to use their slogan to promote other consumers to own their products as well. The expert marketers have more money ideas filling their brains than anything else because money really does make EVERYTHING go around.

Next time you go shopping think about where you saw the idea to buy this product or who was wearing it that made you want it. Celebrities are rich and famous experts looking for ways to suck you in to following their products because if you do you’ll be like them (also known as: famous person testimonial or association principle). Marketers know who to target and are just as well trained to land a hit as the army is so be aware. We all want to be that cool kid on the block, but with times changing, you may never get on top or ahead of a trend. You’re either the nerd who knows the tricks of the market and is too desperate to ignore the gimmicks or you’re the jock who is too cool for anything and is really just a brain full of sports. Either way-you’re stuck. So be yourself and let the cool kid stress about the trends.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Trick or Treat

Are you a lazy college student? Yea… I bet you’re thinking, who isn’t? After hearing Robert Montemayor speak for my media class, I realized that I could go anywhere or do anything no matter how hard it is. Robert Montemayor and Helen Pike are similar types of people because both go for what they want despite the obstacles standing in their way. They are both honest people in search of honest journalism, but today’s journalistic world is full of “lies, damned lies, and statistics”.

Guest speaker, Montemayor, made a very good point--journalists are like doctors because in order to be successful, they both have to “treat” you. You have to be on your “game” or lose your job and today’s economic repression makes losing easier than ever compared to coming out on top. Today’s newsrooms animals are literally becoming extinct. Any position, at anytime, can be stripped and indirectly turned over to citizens. Citizens can pick and choose what goes into the printed news and what comes out. Who needs ombudsmen anymore when today’s “educated” citizens are the newsrooms’ best judges?

Currently, demographics are essential. The once “small” newspapers are slamming the “metro” newspapers because more people are staying local. I mean, who cares about the New York Times if you live in Las Vegas? Not to mention, the Hispanic stations (like Univision) are kicking ABC’s, NBC’s, and CBS’s butts put together! This is because what was once the minority is now the majority and aiming towards specific groups of people is what makes or breaks media in today’s society.

So… Why settle for bologna news or basically garbage in print form? In this media world, being honest will get you ten steps farther than the dishonest pig sitting next to you in your cubicle. Arresting people, or just embarrassing them, without a badge through words, which make sentences, which make stories, is such a better feeling than tearing their life apart and posting their mug shots from Rutgers University to UCLA. You can protect yourself without a gun. Everyone needs a little loving in their life. Who wants to be tricked when you can be treated?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Bee Stings Only Hurt if it's YOU They Sting

Got complaints? Yea. So does everyone else who has a butt crack, but have you ever sided with someone so that you didn’t have to listen to them complain anymore and then the same bad luck visited you, and you whined even worse about it? It seems today’s citizens and consumers only complain when karma “hits home”. You could hear about radio personalities making fun of people or a suicide on Oprah and think that will NEVER happen to me and if it did then I wouldn’t act the way that guy is... Then, the tables turn and you’re the one giving others reason to feel sorry for you about.

If you’re a parent or adult, you have probably heard of, listened to, or called in, about the radio station 101.5. This Garden State bundle of joy attracts the drive time audience due to its weather, traffic, and blatant questions of the day that require a response from listeners to keep the fire burning. 101.5 is one in eleven radio stations running under the ownership of Millennium Radio New Jersey. Within a twenty four hour period, I heard opinions on topics like different types of sex, local teachers on trial due to bad luck, the disadvantages of laws for the protection of animals, debates about which Jackson family member is better, and the effects of sexual advertising. Although these topics make the commute to work and home less zombie-like, and more entertaining than the usual soft rock, their liberal and critical demographics push the First Amendment button a little too far.

Take, for instance, the Craig Carton versus Governor Richard Codey scandal. Afternoon 101.5 co-host, Carton, made a comment about women with postpartum depression being crazy. He was indirectly referring to Mary Jo Codey’s open discussions of her struggles with postpartum depression. The Governor, being the good husband that he is, interrupted Carton’s weekly taping with an in person visit from the Governor himself “flanked by state troopers”. The two had a screaming match and Codey thought that the ordeal should be settled with a fight, but nothing happened after the confrontation. This just proves that when people are DIRECTLY affected by a current problem, they act and if it’s an unrelated issue to their lives, they just sit back and “feel” for the person actually going through it.

Another example is a little controversial. The Internet is supposed to give new meaning to our free speech rights and give new meanings to our democracy, but it seems to only open the door for more trouble. As I was watching Oprah today, at five o’clock, I realized how much people take their luck with a grain of salt. The topic for Oprah today was Internet being the gateway to more sex offenders and predators and what to do to turn up the security in YOUR home. I understand how when our world isn’t careful, one small slip could lead to the end, but people only are greatly affected by events that give their lives a serious wake-up call. So does this mean everyone must disconnect their modems or delete their Facebook or MySpace because today’s teenagers are easily seduced by men or women because the MEDIA portrays sex, maturity, and danger as being good? Like I have said before, everything in the world ends up coming full circle, but society doesn’t live and learn unless it DIRECTLY hurts THEM!